8 Best Times to Drink Water
Water is an awesome beverage choice any time of day, but it may be especially beneficial at certain moments. To

Part Two-Teas for Health & Hydration: Good Digestion
HERE IS PART TWO of our Six-Part Series: Teas for Good Health, Hydration, and Vitality! See what we discovered about

Part One-Teas for Health & Hydration: Immunity Booster
We’re kicking off our Six-Part Series: Teas for Good Health, Hydration, and Vitality! See what we discovered about echinacea, ginger,

NEW YEAR , BETTER ME: 3 Benefits of Sweating It Out
3 Real Benefits of Sweating It Out Sweat is made of water, salt, amino acids, and proteins… and it’s one

5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Digestion
5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Digestion If you want to experience your highest potential for health and fitness,

Your Lifestyle Creates Change
JUGLIFE is all about living a lifestyle centered on this reality: water is everything. You know a lifestyle of drinking
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